Aerial yoga
Welcome to a whole new world of movement! Aerial yoga comes in many different forms and draws inspiration from, among other things, yoga, pilates and gymnastics. Regardless of whether you are young and healthy or older and have problem areas, everyone can perform this form of exercise. We work both on the floor and in the air in our hammocks, which removes weight from joints and stretches the spine without strain.
Read more about our different classes below.
Aerial yoga - Slowdown
This class is super lovely and effective with a focus on breathing & daytime form. At a leisurely pace, we stretch in both standing and lying positions. We focus on slowing down and restoring balance in the body. In this class, there are inversions, which is an effective way to straighten the back in a gentle way.
Aerial yoga - Free your mind
Our class Free your mind is a playful class where we work with strength and balance in a more playful way. We rock, invert and letting out our inner child for a while.